Old Orchard, Maine | Bar Harbor, Maine | Hilton Head Island, South Carolina | Cape Cod, Massachusetts | Southampton, Long Island, New York State | Lake George, Adirondack, New York State | Rehoboth Beach, Delaware | Wellfleet, Cape Cod, Massachussets | Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts | Lake Champlain, Vermont | Nantucket, Massachusetts | Myrtle Beach, South Carolina | Atlantic City, New Jersey | Boston, Massachusetts | Ocean City, Maryland | Leesburg, Virginia | Aspen, Colorado | Jackson, Wyoming | Denver, Colorado | Louisville, Kentucky | Anchorage, Alaska | Denali National Park, Alaska | Falmouth, Massachusetts | Chatham, Massachusetts | Bethany Beach, Virginia | Washington DC, Washington
Barista | Busser | Cashier | Clerk | Cook | Cook assistant | Dishwasher | Front of the house - FOH | Food and Beverage Attendant | Food runner | Food&beverage Team member | Front desk | Gondola Operator | Host | Hostess | Hotel Worker | Housekeeping | Laundry | Line cook | Pool attendant | Prep cook | Server | Supermarket Attendant | Trip Host Person | Waitstaff
Job Fair
Work and Travel Group-CIEE Job Fair at Hyatt Hotel: Texas, Alaska, Minnesota
Anchorage, Alaska The hiring manager for Humpy's, Subzero, Williwaw and Flat Top Pizza & Pool in Anchorage, Alaska.
Anchorage, Alaska 03 Iskustva studenata učesnika Summer Work and Travel 2017. programa (novembar 2017, Novi Sad)Work and Travel Group agency
Mark Siders, GM/Director, Training and Recruitment Atlantic Restaurant Martha's Vineyard
Discover the United States, CIEE Work and Travel USA
CIEE JOB FAIR, February 2017 Veliki CIEE sajam poslova održan je 09.februara u hotelu Hyatt u Beogradu. Ovom prilikom zaposleno je preko 100 studenata na različitim lokacijama širom SAD-a.
Work and Travel Group-CIEE Job fair: Bar Harbor, Maine
Students experiences - 2017 - Anchorage, Alaska
Student experience - 2017 - Basion Harbor Club, Lake Champlain -Vermont
Work and Travel Group-CIEE JOB FAIR: Denali, Alaska - part 1
Work and Travel Group-CIEE JOB FAIR: Rehobot Beach, Delaware - part 1
Work and Travel Group-CIEE JOB FAIR: Rehobot Beach, Delaware - part 2
Work and Travel Group-CIEE JOB FAIR: Denali, Alaska - part 3
Work and Travel Group-CIEE JOB FAIR: Kentucky, Louisville
Work and Travel Group-CIEE JOB FAIR: Rehobot Beach, Delaware - part 3
Work and Travel Group-CIEE JOB FAIR: Nantucket, Massachusetts
Work and Travel Group-CIEE JOB FAIR: Denali, Alaska - part 2
Aftermovie Job Fair CIEE 2018 - Hyatt Belgrade
Work and Travel Group-CIEE JOB FAIR: Ocean City, Maryland
Work and Travel Group-CIEE Job Fair at Hyatt Hotel: Virginia and Alaska
JOB FAIR in Hotel Metropol Palace, Belgrade 2016 - Alaska, South Carolina, Michigan
JOB FAIR in Hotel Metropol Palace, Belgrade 2016 - Maryland, Rhode Island,Alaska and Maine
JOB FAIR in Hotel Metropol Palace 2016 - Massachusetts, California and Alaska
JOB FAIR - Hotel Metropol Palace, Belgrade 2016
JOB FAIR- Hotel Metropol Palace 2015 Students experiences after the interview with employers on JOB FAIR in hotel Metropol Palace, Belgrade.
JOB FAIR 2011, Restaurant Atlantic - Martha's Vineyard Island, Massachusetts Mark Siders, manager of Atlantic restaurant talking about island of Martha's Vineyard, restaurant Atlantic and positions.
Job Fair CIEE - Alaska - Hotel Metropol 10-dec-2018 Interview with Charles Cather and our studentes who got jobs in Alaska.
Job Fair CIEE - Ocean City - Hotel Metropol 10-dec-2018 Interview with Charles Cather and our studentes who got jobs in Ocean City, Maryland.
Job Fair CIEE - Central USA- Hotel Metropol 10-dec-2018 Interview with Charles Cather and our studentes who got jobs all over the Central USA.
Job Fair CIEE - Alaska 2 - Hotel Metropol 10-dec-2018 Interview with Charles Cather and our studentes who got jobs in Alaska- part 2.
Job Fair CIEE 2019, Hotel Metropol - interview for the job in the state of MONTANA Interview with Charles Cather and our student who got job in the state of Montana. JOB FAIR BELGRADE, SERBIA in February 2019.
Job Fair CIEE 2019, Hotel Metropol- Interview for the job in South Lake City - CALIFORNIA Interview with Charles Cather and our students who got jobs in the state of California, South Lake Tahoe city. JOB FAIR BELGRADE, SERBIA in February 2019.
Job Fair CIEE 2019, Hotel Metropol - Interview for the job in the state of Montana, part 2. Interview with Charles Cather and our student who got job in the state of MONTANA, PART 2. JOB FAIR BELGRADE, SERBIA in February 2019.
Job Fair CIEE 2019, Hotel Metropol - Interview for the job in the state of California, Truckee city. Interview with Charles Cather and our students who got jobs in the state of California, Truckee city. JOB FAIR BELGRADE, SERBIA in February 2019.
Job Fair CIEE 2019, Hotel Metropol - Interview for the job in the state of Rhode Island,Newport city. Interview with Charles Cather and our student who got job in the state of Rhode Island, Newport city. JOB FAIR BELGRADE, SERBIA in February 2019.
Job Fair CIEE 2019, Hotel Metropol - Interview for the job in the state of Wyoming, Teton village and state of Massachusetts, Hyannis city. Interview with Charles Cather and our students who got jobs in the state of Wyoming, Teton village and state of Massachusetts, Hyannis city. JOB FAIR BELGRADE, SERBIA in February 2019.
Social Networks